
Showing posts from May, 2020
12/05/20 Final Evalution When it comes to the Unity project i think this one was the biggest challenge overall as i had to learn a lot of new aspects that i haven't previously discovered for example C# scripts or using tile palette in order to create a level. Furthermore, i have used already created sprites that were included in the package to lay out a level as well as to create enemies. Furthermore, for the enemies i have added in a script which i have wrote during the workshop which allowed the enemy to see forward and detect ground and bounce off the ground. In addition, i have decided to create a secret hole where player thinks there is a boundary but in reality there isn't meaning that he can pick up the cherry beyond virtual wall. An inspiration for that idea was a game called Impossible quiz which forces player to think outside the box. If i would have more time and the lessons would have been carried out like usual i would probably  improve Health System which ...
During today's session i have focused onto creating a Level Complete scenery meaning that when a player hits a certain object a specific image will appear in this case Level Complete i have created to create this i have followed a mix of my tutor workshop as well as Youtube tutorial which have explained any uncertainties i had about it. Script i have used to make the image appear on trigger. Which allowed me to use custom Image. Furthermore, i encountered one of the issues along the way this is because in the tutorial script was perfectly fine where as for me it didn't show the Image section after creating a script which would allow me to attach my own picture. However after researching further i have stumbled upon one of the posts saying i had to install one of the extensions to make it work which it did. References Youtube 2020. [online] Available at: < 020. [online] Available at: <>  [Accessed 7 May 2020].
During today's session i have focussed onto implementing Health System onto my game. However after finding couple of Youtube video tutorials i had issues with linking the health to my slider in order for the game to take damage as everytime i would start a game a new error would pop up. And as it was in later development and near the deadline i didn't have time to make it work properly meaning that the obstacles and enemies are not properly detected. At least i have ended up with Health Slider that is showing health at the beginning. References Youtube 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 May 2020].