
12/05/20 Final Evalution When it comes to the Unity project i think this one was the biggest challenge overall as i had to learn a lot of new aspects that i haven't previously discovered for example C# scripts or using tile palette in order to create a level. Furthermore, i have used already created sprites that were included in the package to lay out a level as well as to create enemies. Furthermore, for the enemies i have added in a script which i have wrote during the workshop which allowed the enemy to see forward and detect ground and bounce off the ground. In addition, i have decided to create a secret hole where player thinks there is a boundary but in reality there isn't meaning that he can pick up the cherry beyond virtual wall. An inspiration for that idea was a game called Impossible quiz which forces player to think outside the box. If i would have more time and the lessons would have been carried out like usual i would probably  improve Health System which ...
During today's session i have focused onto creating a Level Complete scenery meaning that when a player hits a certain object a specific image will appear in this case Level Complete i have created to create this i have followed a mix of my tutor workshop as well as Youtube tutorial which have explained any uncertainties i had about it. Script i have used to make the image appear on trigger. Which allowed me to use custom Image. Furthermore, i encountered one of the issues along the way this is because in the tutorial script was perfectly fine where as for me it didn't show the Image section after creating a script which would allow me to attach my own picture. However after researching further i have stumbled upon one of the posts saying i had to install one of the extensions to make it work which it did. References Youtube 2020. [online] Available at: < 020. [online] Available at: <>  [Accessed 7 May 2020].
During today's session i have focussed onto implementing Health System onto my game. However after finding couple of Youtube video tutorials i had issues with linking the health to my slider in order for the game to take damage as everytime i would start a game a new error would pop up. And as it was in later development and near the deadline i didn't have time to make it work properly meaning that the obstacles and enemies are not properly detected. At least i have ended up with Health Slider that is showing health at the beginning. References Youtube 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 May 2020].
During today's session i have been working on making the coin counter using the Youtube video tutorial. Furthermore, i have used a script that later on i have attached onto the cherry and the player itself. Reference Youtube 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 May 2020].
During today's session i have decided to start my own level using one of the free assets from the Unity Asset store and using the skills i have learnt from the workshops. I started off by creating off a new level by using tileset that was available within the package. Furthermore, i have started to add in some enemies i.e. Spikes and animals that run around the level.
Game research/inspiration Impossible Quiz "The Impossible Quiz is a hit Flash gam#e created by Splapp-Me-Do and the first main instalment of the The Impossible Quiz series. It was originally released on 20 February 2007 on Newgrounds and deviantArt, though the deviantArt version was taken down by the site shortly afterwards because of the music included in it, thus why Splapp had to re-upload it on 8 March 2007 as a "Lite version", with all of its music removed." "Requiring the player to always "think outside the box", as Splapp has always said; besides, the player will find many surprises along the way, such as mini-games or mazes, where they will need to have some good skills and reflexes". There are 10 difficulty levels as well as 110 questions overall. Game came out in 2004. Mario With more than 600 million units sold worldwide, the overall Mario franchise is the best-selling video game franchise of all time. Japanese plat...
02/04/20 During today's session we have made health system in Unity using a heart sprite .png as well as health slider included in Unity. Furthermore, slider responds to enemies meaning that the player has only 100 health and each time he encounters an enemy it deducts his health points from him.